Thursday, January 11, 2007

Run For Town Council This fall 2007

Consider running for Town Council this fall - 2007.

The Town needs people with vision and commitment to take us forward into the future.
We need people who are thinking critically about the issues of the age, not dwelling on the issues of the past.

There are two important qualifications.

1) The ability to work in a group, offer critical analysis and advice and develop knowledge through dialogue.

2) Good listening skills. 'Hear' is what one specialist who studies local planning and decision-making wrote -

We can hear words, but miss what is meant. We can hear what is intended, but miss what is important. We can hear what is important, but neglect the person speaking. As we listen, though, we can learn and nurture relationships as well. Listening is an act of being attentive, a way of being in a moral world. We can make a difference by listening or failing to do so, and we can be held responsible as a result. Source: Forester 1998 Planning in the Face of Power cited in Sandercock, Cosmopolis II: Mongrel Cities in the 21st Century, 2003:76.

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